Sunday, January 29, 2012

Project: Reading, Reviewing, and Reflecting on My AI Course (Textbook)

This semester I'm taking a course on Artificial Intelligence taught by George Luger. Since lectures have never been my preferred method of learning (i.e. I tend to absorb little from them) I've decided to post my chapter notes to aid my learning as I read through his textbook, Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving. My outlines won't be exhaustive; they'll primarily serve to solidify my understanding (in other words, don't get mad if I leave stuff out).

I'm doing this for three reasons:
  1. To write. I've noticed as a coder that unless I go out of my way to find reasons to write (in English), I just won't do it. I swear my coding chops are 100% inversely related to my writing ability.
  2. To internalize. There's no better way to learn than by teaching! And blogging is about as close to teaching as I can get right now. (My wife wasn't interested in learning this stuff...)
  3. To not suck. If I don't maintain this reading/note-taking endeavor which is, admittedly, by best way to learn, than I'm just another lazy student!
Right now the plan is to knock out one chapter per week to stay in tune with the actual course. These So, without further ado, here comes Chapter 2! 

(This endeavor didn't materialize until we completed Chapter 2. Here's a summary of Chapter 1.)

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